AI VJ can be synced with any audio playing on your PC (Youtube, Spotify, MP3 player, etc) through Loopback and microphone input

AI VJ can use Windows built in WASAPI loopback feature, with almost any sound-card

Audio Sync is a good fallback Sync option for home use or plain ease of setup

Though we still recommend using Ableton Link for better results as it's 95+% accurate vs the max possible 75% of real time audio sync

After some General Advice, look below for making it work using:

Sound card with native loopback
Windows WASAPI loopback
Other (free) software solutions
Microphone or line in input

Main | Ableton Link Sync Tutorials | Audio Sync Turorials

General Advice

Try auto-detect from the sync audio tab menu first. It should work for most standard setups

For detection to work, you need to have music actively playing from the speakers of your PC or into the microphone. It uses volume to detect input. Muted doesn't work

See below for information on driver updates, or free software that can fix things, if auto-detect doesn't work

Sound card with native loopback

As DJs often want the freedom to use ASIO or various other sound drivers than WASAPI, the most versatile option for professionals is a sound card that has hardware loopback built in

When such a sound card is installed, these will show up as loopback microphone devices. They can be used as such in AI VJ by just selecting them

Windows WASAPI loopback

On Windows 7 and later the built in WASAPI sound system can be used with virtually all sound cards

For this to work the application playing the audio must have a WASAPI device / driver selected as its output. Most do by default. But ASIO and others (sometimes used by DJs) don't work

In rare cases you might also have to update your audio drivers and restart your PC

Other (free) software solutions

If for some reason WASAPI doesn't work, or you want something different, you could also try virtual audio drivers

They can be very powerful for tying various audio related software applications together. I've used them in the past

Good examples are: Voicemeeter (Banana) and Jack

They require some setup, and learning though. See the following video for an intro to Voicemeeter

Microphone or line in input

If you have a dedicated PC for visuals separate from the machine you DJ / play audio on, line in input is the way to go

Microphone and line in input are treated the same by AI VJ and they both work the same, though a direct line should get you better quality

For auto-detect to work music must be actively playing into the microphone / line

If you have a mix-panel or deck with an (extra) headphone / mini-jack out, you could plug this back into the PC's mike input for line in. BUT make sure it's not over-powered, such as would be the case with amp outputs for passive speakers. That would blow up your line in

Consult your device manuals before following any of the tips in this tutorial | | |

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