AI VJ can be synced with any software that supports the Ableton Link protocol

Ableton Link allows for perfect BPM (tempo) sync, and it perfectly aligns these beats also!

This makes it the preferred sync method for AI VJ

Notably it also works over LAN, so AI VJ doesn't even need to be running on the same machine as the one you're DJing on.

After some General Advice, look below for making it work in:

Virtual DJ, Traktor, Rekordbox and Serato
– We assume Ableton users are already familiar with it

Main | Ableton Link Sync Tutorials | Audio Sync Tutorials

General Advice

AI VJ is setup to auto-connect to Ableton. So unless you explicitly click the Disable button, you should be good to go on AI VJs side

Ableton Link uses network protocols to connect, even when running on the same machine. So make sure Anti-virus Software or Firewalls aren't blocking the connection:

– Windows Defender especially tends to do this by default on public (Wifi) networks, with a message similar to this one. Give it permission by ticking one or both boxes. If you haven't earlier and would like to allow it now, follow these steps
– For bigger shows I wouldn't recommend running Ableton Link on a fully public Wifi network where everyone can access your BPMs. In that setting only tick the first box

In general first start the DJ software and enable Ableton there. Then launch AI VJ and it will auto-connect

A full page with troubelshooting advice from Ableton

Virtual DJ

First from within Virtual DJ install the Ableton Plugin

Virtual DJ requires a specific sequence of actions to make it work, as its Ableton Link support is a little outdated / wonky:

1) First of all, only enable Ableton in the effects section of each of the decks as shown in the video (do NOT enable it in the main mixer section in the middle).
2) Always first start Virtual DJ before AI VJ (at step 4)
3) Then load a track onto the first deck, make it play, and only then enable the Ableton Link effect
4) Now start AI VJ. It should auto-connect and sync

I've had it happen that even this did not work. In that case exit both AI VJ and Virtual DJ, and try again, starting with Virtual DJ
Once it's connected. The connection is stable

Virtual DJ with Auto DJ

For home use, such as small party without a DJ, we recommend using Virtual DJ with auto-dj, and Ableton Link syncing!


- Virtual DJ is free for home use!
- Ableton Link Sync is way better than Audio Sync
- The difference is that between the 75% correct of state of the art real time detection, and the over 95% correct beat detection Virtual DJ can do
- This is because Virtual DJ gets the whole MP3/Flac file, and thus can pre-process the whole song, back to front, and do a much better job at predicting beats than we ever could with just the sliver of currently playing sound AI VJ gets through Audio Sync!

Follow the steps above to sync Virtual DJ using Ableton Link

And then enable Virtual DJs auto dj / auto mix!


Ableton Link is natively supported by Traktor and it works well with AI VJ

See their brief tutorial


Ableton Link is natively supported by Rekordbox. There should be no issues

Have a look at this video. And also their Ableton FAQ


Serato Pro natively supports Ableton Link. No issues reported

See this video for where the buttons are | | |

Steam: AI VJ is available on Steam
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